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Writer's pictureBuddha Beads World


What is a Budda Breath?

A Buddha Breath is a deep inhale and can be used:

Before chaos of the mind sets in.

During the chaos of the mind.

After the choas of the mind.

so what do we mean by that?

During any day, at any time, an something unexpected can occur.

Something out of the blue.

And these unexpected somethings are not always things that we would consider 'good' or 'beneficial'. In fact, we would almost definitely label them at the very least... "a nuisance", or worse a 'catastrophe', 'disaster', or even 'an emergency'.

It could be something as small as a traffic jam which is going to make you late, or it could be a phone call to say there's been an accident...

Unless we are the Dalai Lama or Eckhart Tolle, we are likely to react to these 'circumstances' with impatience, panic or even hysteria, which inevitably brings chaos of the mind.

But we could react differently.

We could take a BUDDHA BREATH and that breath will give us a moment.

And that moment could change the way we deal with whatever is about to happen, what is happening or what has just happened..

so how do I do a BUDDHA BREATH?


Inhale for a slow count of 3 to 4 seconds

Hold for a slow count of 3 to 4 seconds

Exhale for a slow count of 3 to 4 seconds

Hold for a slow count of 3 to 4 seconds

and thats it.


It's a breath cycle that takes around 12 to 16 seconds.

And those seconds makes all the difference. They interrupts the pattern of reaction that would normally happen. Normally, we react immediately, without thought. A BUDDHA BREATH stops that and you will find that how you react after the BUDDHA BREATH is different to how would have done without it.


Little billy is playing and you leave him for 3 minutes and when you return your lipstick is all over the Ultra HD TV screen. Lovely.

For most of us our reaction is instantaneous, and it's not pretty.

But we can change that. You will notice that if at the moment you see what has happened you take a BUDDHA BREATH your reaction is different. It will be more considered, more calm ... just a little more composed.

So everyone will see me slow breathing?

Only if you close your eyes!

No-one even needs to know. From the outside it will just look like you are thinking, considering the situation - very laudable!

Anyway what does it matter if anyone does notice that you are taking a breath? Tell them! When you walk into a difficult situation or hear some difficult news, say the words, "...BUDDHA BREATH REQUIRED..." and start to breath.

Maybe they'll want to know what it is and it might help them next time?

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